Jera Creations
The Gallery below shows some of my work, feel free to comment and give your opinion. Many items are for sale on Jera Store if you cannot find an item displayed in the Gallery there, please send me a message here: Contact us and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Enjoy!
Years ago the idea of making something out of old magazines, books and newspaper gave me a totally new insight…read more
50 Recently Released Photos Of Actual Native Americans Are Haunting
I came across this intriguing article from Explore Reference, and would like to share with all. The photographs, are a state-of-the-art, and it is part of history as well. To visit, go to:
Twitter Story
People are asking: how Twitter found me. That’s a very interesting story, and to be honest, I didn’t know all the details at first. I saw Twitter’s post on Facebook, Alley Cat Allies (a cat advocacy organization), looking for a forever home for Her. Immediately, I wanted to adopt her! Twitter – Facebook Post 2014 …
Twitter The Cat Top 5
Twitter made it! She’s working hard to getting this far 🙂 Congratulations, Twitter !!!! To cast your FREE DAILY VOTE for TWITTER, click on the link below: Thank You!
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